Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 22 - Measurements and check in

Well, I went trying on clothes yesterday to get a feel of where I am at with refining my shape through MAP. I noticed my waist is slimmer and bum is smaller. I have looser skin around the mid now and I think with more consistent workouts, that will tighten up over time.

I did the fast on Saturday as we had dinner plans for Friday. It went a lot better than expected. I drank a lot of tea as I was feeling cold and the warm, flavourful tea helped me to not focus on the lack of food. I found it a good exercise is discipline and trusting on myself to be able to hold to my word and follow through. I made it all the way to dinner with calmness of mind even though the day was stressful, out of sync and challenging. Next time I fast, I will focus on praying more.

Here are the numbers...(compared again original measurements on January 3rd)

Weight: 140 lbs (down 8 lbs)

Chest/bust (under breasts): 31" (down 3")

Waist at belly button: 30.5" (down .5")

Arms: 10.5" (same)

Hips: 36" (down 2")

Thighs: (@ 4" above kneecap) 18.5"L (up .5"), 17.5"R(down 1"), (@ 8" above kneecap) 21"L/R (back to start stat)

Waist (at base of rib cage): 28" (down 2")

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 19 - Thank you God!!

Yes!! To God be the glory. I made it to another day! But I must say, that the Wave has not been too helpful for me. I'm guessing I either need to eat a WHOLE lot more protein or change up some of the veg I am eating, but I was just TAPPED OUT yesterday. Again, not feeling like doing much of anything. The day started off well, but as it progressed, all I wanted to do was sleep, and when I finally had both kids home, that's exactly what I did. On and off for 10 hours!! I felt like such a slug and I am still feeling sluggish. After the mid point of the day, I was feeling numb.

In the morning, I ran the boys to school and then back home to help hubby unload the tools out of the car and we went grocery shopping. When we got home, I packed away groceries, made lunch for the boys, ate something and ran to get my son. Started work at noon and that when the slug hit me...with it's big fat tail LOL.

Today (Day 19), it took me hours to get out of my numb, sluggish, jello feeling, but FINALLY was able to get in a workout (Body Weight workout). I top-loaded this day with carbs and going to prepare chicken and tabouleh with some sweet potato for dinner. Think I will just keep it simple for lunch with some mung bean pancakes and then some carrots, zucchini and hummus for afternoon snack.

Off to get cooking~!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17 - I'm still in!

Off to a great start this AM! Got in my workouts today, eating is still on point and I feel as though my energy and strength has returned...YAY! I felt a big boost after eating the bison yesterday. Must have been low in something. I have not been taking a high-potency multi as I haven't found one that isn't high in Copper. My body is HIGHLY efficient at absorbing copper and results in escalating my Grave's and puts me into an hyperthyroid state. I'll shop around for one today and see what I find :)

Excited to see what's new for the week to come! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 14 - What is going on?

Abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain, swelling....So many changes and events have happened in the last 2 weeks that it's going to take a level of internal elimination to figure it out. All I know is there is some healing that is needed and I need to give my body the chance to recover. My first tweak is to take out the milk thistle. Second is step back from the 3 days on the Wave and only do 2. I would love to keep the workouts in, but to a lesser intensity for now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 12 - Discovered the delay

I have been feeling ill over this past week, partly from allergen exposure (fragrance), some upset stomach and nausea, and from a lack of good sleep. Well I have gotten in my good sleep (finally), recovered from the perfume exposure from last week's events and I am not as queezy and nauseous as I was over the week. But there was one thing in particular I did notice. I have a heightened sense of chemical awareness. For the most part I get the bulk of my protein from hemp, and other plant sources, but I do eat chicken and fish. I did great last week when I prepped and cooked chicken breasts and salmon from a whole fish. This week I cooked up a box of frozen chicken legs (different supplier than the chicken breasts) and salmon fillets (which I didn't "fillet" myself. Last night for dinner I cooked the salmon fillets, and the after taste I had in my mouth was completely chemical....LOVELY! Granted, this is the first time I bought salmon fillets that are prepared this way in a LONG time (about 4 - 5 years ago), but I am not loving the taste. My oldest son, who is picky about eating fish period, didn't like this salmon either. I didn't feel queezy after eating it though as I did earlier in the week, so I am thinking that the stomach bug that is going around may have bite me a bit, but can't help but to think that I will be switching back to buying the fish whole or freshly filleted from the deli. Plugging forward with the Wave, and managed a successful day on the veg and protein without the gag factor. Having celery with chicken for breakfast and looking forward to a long, but wonderful day as we spend time together as a family. I'll cook up some chicken breasts to have on hand through the day and prep veggie bag to snack on as well.

I think the layout of the pyramid workout is super fun and looking forward to starting the next wave of workouts for today!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day11 - Putting it all together

Well it's been a few days of recovery and will have to go in for a check up with my doctor soon as I felt really awful Monday and people were asking me if I was sick. It's one thing to feel sick, it's definitely another when I actually look sick too. I was feeling good when I woke on Tuesday morning, but then soon realized that I was fighting something...more than just the detox. I started The Wave that day as well, but was really lacking in energy beyond my regular activities. By the evening I was smacked, tripping out, and full of fog. When I woke on Wednesday, I decided to started the wave again the next day and add back the carbs....BIG difference! Energy and strength returned, and I felt like the carbs were just be SUCKED into my limbs and body...crazy stuff! So here we are at Day 11.

I have written out everything on a calendar to help keep me on track and am ready to go again. Have a separate book for all the workouts/diet and I know what it is I need to do. So for today Pyramid, Meltdown, ICP and back on the protein/vegs. Here we go!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 8 - Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

WOW! Who needs a workout regime when you have snow? EVERYBODY! Again with the gratitude with being back into challenging workouts and eat right...especially to have enough energy to get through all this snow. We had a snowstorm over the weekend, leaving the roads in terrible condition for driving and when you walk through an open field to get to school, that presents a bit of a challenge. I had a lot of catching up to do from the active weekend we had and I need to reconnect with my children before sending them back out into the world again. It was awesome and quality time spent. Then as I was about to begin my workout I's my son's snack day and I am suppose to bring fruit....uhhhh, after the weekend, there wasn't much left in the house and honestly I forgot to grab some as I made a quick jump into the grocery store the day before. I had to go to the store IMMEDIATELY to get get enough for his class and still have some in our house. I did interval sprints the WHOLE way there...about 13 city blocks or I think about a mile down the road. On my way back I was able to snag a ride on the bus, but definitely unexpected version to my workouts. I prepped the snack and we headed out to school....and then we came up to the field, which was as tall as my youngest son. I saw the buss coming and flagged him down. He allowed us to ride around the corner to the school....thank GOD! Of course, I had to make the hike back, but walked with a neighbour and as we got to her house I offered to help her shovel. I was using deep squats to get the snow up (almost like a woodchop movement and after after all the shovelling we had tea. Who knew she used to own a tea shop....too cool! Great opportunity to use the strength I developed (instead of just looking good) for a worthy task. After tea I headed homeward again only to find another neighbour stuck in the snow. I helped to pushed her car out of an icy patch and then continue on my way. On the way back to the school, I had to go through the field and my LEGS! I had to stretch they were on fire! And then I started feeling light-headed and BAM a big headache and body aches set in...I was thinking because I didn't have enough water, but UGH! I felt awful! I cam home and took a good nap. I felt better, but I was looking "not so well". I went to a meeting in the evening and someone asked if I was okay cuz I looked awful...nice! Tomorrow is a new day!